Movie Poster
The Mysterious Benedict Society, by Trenton Lee Stewart, tells the story of four extraordinary children with a love for the truth, who must save the world. To do this, they must attend a strange school on an island to spy on the mastermind (who serves as the headmaster of the school) in order to figure out what his sinister plan is. I made this movie poster by compositing seven images (shown below). It was difficult to get the lighting to look the same on all the elements, particularly the children. Besides the children looking at the island, the bird also helps to point in that direction, drawing the attention to where the children must go (and where most of the action takes place).
Images Used
Album Cover
To create this album cover, I used eight images, overlaying them in various ways. For some of them, I took the flowers and salt, and made brushes out of them. To get the interesting texture, I used images of slightly crumpled tissues, salt, and a close-up of a knit scarf. I adjusted the colors, changing the flowers to a softer pink tone instead of a red one, which better fits the album and artist. The flowers give it a feminine look.
Images Used
Room Mock-up
There were a couple of challenges I faced with this mock-up. One thing was working with the perspective of items, particularly the black chair on the right. Another thing was getting the shadows right, so that they looked natural. It also took a lot of time to carefully mask the bamboo plants that sit on either side of the pink couch. I did really enjoy finding all the elements to fit together. The pink of the couch works well, adding a pop of color to the room. The bookcase in the background helps to fill out the space.
Digital Painting
I did this painting in Photoshop, using the mixer brush over a photo I shot of some hostas blooming in a home garden, with a few orange lilies in the background. I wanted it to look somewhat realistic, but with a more painterly effect to it. The leaves have a lot of texture which created some difficulty, so I used lots of smaller strokes.
Original Image